Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Updates on everything !!

Scott: has been working non-stop the past few weeks.  Someone at work told him " no one works harder than you and no one plays harder than you."  haha.  Well don't feel too bad for old Scotty.  He is leaving for the sunny beaches of Cabo on Saturday for 7 days.

Jess: Has never been busier and is having a blast with her new life.   She has great friends in her apartment and loves her teaching jobs.  She also works at goodwood and goes to school.  I don't think she gets to bed before 2 any night and then wakes up ready to go to school at 7.  We went on our first date Monday and got the latest and greatest "glitter toes"  My toes look like Dorthy's ruby red slippers and I can't help but be happy when I look at them.

Danaca:  Came down with pluerisy.  She went to the Homecoming game and Dance. After the weekend of fun she woke up terribly sick and in pain.  She has gone home for some Motherly care for the rest of the week.  We miss you Dan and hope you feel great again soon.

Austin:  Finished his last merit badge for his Eagle last night.  YAY...YAY..YAY...He is setting up his project right now.  We will be tying blankets for the Womens Shelter.  He has a thousand dollar donation fund already set up.  We will be letting you all know how you can help soon.  He is also taking drivers ed online, playing football 20 hours a week, and trying to keep up with all his high school studies.  I'm so proud of him for buckling in and doing all he is doing.

Sidney:  This last week we gave away our cute puppies.  Misti misses them but I think Sidney misses them more.  I wish we could have kept them all just for Sidney.  Sid is doing great in school and dance.  She doesn't love school but has tons of friends and doesn't mind the social part.  She is also a crazy reader now.  Every time she has a down minute or two she is reading now.  

Nikki:  The first week of school Nikki missed 3 days with bad stomach aches again.  We have figured out she has the dreaded " Silent Acid Reflux"   If she takes her pepsid everyday she is fine.  She is dancing and just finished up Tennis Lessons.  She is definately a little athlete.

Conner:  What a beast he can be in the morning.  He can be the sweetest boy but wake him up at 7 every morning for school.  You see a whole scary side of him.  Once I get him to school he is enjoying it.  He loves Math and is really starting to catch on to reading.  He is doing a basketball class every Wed and really enjoys it.

Sandi:  I have been adjusting to life with one less child at home and everyone gone to school everyday.  I'm actually really liking it.  I have set more goals now that I have just me time most days.  I am studying the BOM on the internet.  This has been so great.  Anytime I come across a question or want some history about something I'm reading about I just google it.  I have read it so many times just to read it and feel the spirit, this time I wanted to really study it for Historical Facts ect. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like everything is busy as ever with your family. Have fun in Cabo.