Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Church callings!

Scotty has been in Young Mens since Austin was 12 (6 years) and I have been in Young Womens since Jess was 12 (8 years) We love working with the youth in our ward.  I just got a new calling as Stake Assistant Camp Leader. I get to work with Awesome women with such great testimonies and they are so fun too.  I love planning and working on camp.  Our Theme this year is Recieve the Holy Ghost your constant companion.  I have to speak to all the Young Women leaders next week and then speak to the whole stake at camp.  That is a little scary but I'm ready to take on the challenge.

Austin and the Battle of the Bands

Austin's Band No name Needed went to the semi-regionals in Sandy this past Saturday.  Wow! It was so fun to see Austin perform on a live stage. He plays non-stop at home but it's hard to tell how good he is getting until we say him perform.  His band was did pretty good but Austin rocked! All his practicing is definately paying off in big ways.  He got really good comments from all the judges too.  We have the video posted on you tube under no name needed 1 and no name needed 2.  Check them out!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Temple Tuesday

Once a month my girlfriends and I are going to the temple! We want to visit a different temple every month and then of course go to lunch.  Our first temple was the draper temple.  We had taken the kids to the open house but I hadn't gone through a session there.  It was beautiful.  I love the comfort and strength I feel everytime I go to the temple.  Now Scott and I just need to work on getting there once a month also.  We also want to take the kids to do baptisms again very soon.

You've been Jimmered! Goodbye Coach Sloan! Tons of games!

Our family (except Sidney) love to watch and play Sports.  Our BYU basketball team is rated number 7 in the nation right now.  They have a great player Jimmer Fredette!  He is up for the national college player of the year.  He is incredible and we got to watch him in person play the number 4 team San Diego State.  It was the funnest game I have ever been to.  It was also the loudest game I've ever been to.  We ended up winning the game and it was so fun!

Yesterday Jerry Sloan, the forever coach of The Utah Jazz resigned.  What a great man and coach he has been for the past 20 something years.  We will miss you and appreciate all you have done for our community and your team.  Coach Ty Corbin has taken over and we are hoping he has as much success or more!

We are very busy with basketball season right now.  Austin plays two games on Saturdays, Conner plays one and Nikki plays two.  5 kids games a week is crazy but fun!  All the kids are hustlers on the court and very fun for their competitive mom to watch!

A few of Nikki's 6th grade adventures

All my kids have participated in the NOVA program.  It is a drug awareness program put on by the Orem City police department.  All the kids had to write a talk about what they would do to stay off drugs.  Nikki got picked to read her talk at NOVA graduation.  I have to admit I was really impressed with her speech.  You easily forget how much your kids are growing up day to day.  She is growing into a great young woman.

The next week the 6th grade had a mock trial.  Nikki was a defense attorney defending the witch from the Hansel and Gretel story.  The parents got to come watch and be a part of the jury! I had to help convict the witch (Nikki wasn't very happy with me) but it was fun to see the kids be a part of this process.  Nikki is loving 6th grad and it is going by very quickly!