Saturday, May 23, 2009

Windsor Field Day!

My kids have always loved field day.  They don't always win the blue ribbon but they love trying!  We have a tradition of putting football black marks under eyes, Mom always works at one or more of the races and we seem to always win the three-legged race.  Nikki wasn't with her favorite partner this year and missed out on the grand prize.  Sidney and her friend Brooke won every year and even raced the boy winners in 6th grade and won!  Sid still brags about it every year.  This was Conners first year to race and he thought it was really fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like fun. Too bad I can't help out during our field day. I have tried to get Nate to volunteer at the school, but I think that just crosses the line for him.