Wednesday, July 1, 2009

End of the year Dance Concert!

Studio One presented the end of the year concert starring Sid and Nik. It's always amazing to me how much growth takes place over a year in these girls lives. Sidney especially the past two years has become a beautiful dancer. Both the girls work hard and have so much talent. Jess did choreography for the studio this year. She had 7 dances in the show and that was fun to see too. Sidney is moving on next year to Senior Company. She said it was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Nikki is staying on Jr. Prep on more year. She was disappointed because she wanted to be on Jr. Company but I can't say I was. I love her being my little buddy at home and wasn't ready for her to be fully committed to the studio yet! I have been trying to download some of their dances. The only one I can get to work is Jessi's teacher dance!

Gateway with the cousins!

A few weeks ago I met Stephanie and her kids at the Gateway for the afternoon. We ate lunch, played at Borders, ate cookies and ran through the fountain. It was a little cold but the kids still had a blast. Ben and Rachael were especially die hards. They wouldn't get out of the fountain. My kids were a little wussy ( I guess thats not a word) Most of all it was so great to spend the day with my little sissy! I love you!

We love Sidney and her friends.

It is becoming a tradition that we take Sid and her friends boating for her birthday! We had so much fun with them. Sidney is now 14! I can not believe how quickly she is growing up! She is fun, talented and beautiful. She is always thinking of others and is quick to defend all her brother and sisters always. Usually when I'm getting after someone...haha! We love you Sid and we are excited for the upcoming year and watching you grow-up!