Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Who needs to look for work?

Austin has already had three family in our ward call him to mow their lawn.  He will mow every week of the spring and summer.  Did he ask around or put out an ad? No they just called him over the past two weeks.  He wasn't too excited until people started paying him today.  Austin is a saver.  He has a huge bank account and he never wants to spend it. Today for the first time he bought his own new phone and is now planning on going to the mall to buy a new guitar soon.  He is also planning on working for Scott twice a week this summer so he can save up to start dating...haha.  Keep up the good work Ozzy!  PS ... Austin will start playing baseball again in two weeks.  He got the OK from the doctor and he says he feels good.  Finally after 5 months he is ready to play...YAY!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for Austin. I am sure he will have girls waiting in line to spend his hard earned money.:)