Sunday, January 11, 2009

Body Worlds

Scott and I thought it would be great to go see Body Worlds this weekend.  I bought tickets online for 10:00 pm.  Saturday night.  We showed up at 10:00 along with 3000 or so other people. They took us downstairs and set us in an enormous, Disneyland style line.  We were in line until 12:25!!  I was in high heels and already tired from a long week.  We almost left but we had driven all the way to salt lake, paid 22 bucks a ticket, and Scotty really wanted to see it.  It was really neat. I had seen the one in Vegas too.  This one had better displays but was about the same.  It really makes you think what a blessing these bodies we have truly are. And how much thought and creation went into mankind and the way we operate.  It is all just mind blowing.  I also couldn't stop thinking what a great blessing it is that we are all so different.  No two people on earth have ever looked the same.  It really made me think a lot about things like that.  All in was worth the money but is anything really worth a 3 hour line at midnight?


Carol Stump said...

I loved the unborn baby display. I was surprised at their sizes at the various stages. Until I saw the disply, it was difficult to imagine what 6-8 ounces, or 2-3 pounds meant in the form of a developing body. Sorry to hear it was so crowded and your wait was so long.

Unknown said...

I really wanted to go to that. Nathan was opposed. It looked really cool though. That line sucked. I can't believe that. It was almost the last day, so that is probably why.